Latvijas Logopēdu asociācija aicina 19.septembrī plkst. 14.00 apmeklēt Baltijas rehabilitācijas asociāciju 8.kongresa ietvaros notiekošo
Logopēdu/audiologopēdu profesionālo asociāciju sēdi
Sēdē piedalīsies referenti no Igaunijas, Lietuvas, Austrālijas, Latvijas.
Referāti būs latviešu un angļu valodās. Konferences organizētāji nodrošinās simultāno tulkojumu.
Konferences programma
14.00 – 14.20 Social rehabilitation programs for people with aphasia in Estonia Kylli Roht, President of Estonian Aphasia Association, Estoni
14.20 – 14.40 Family-focused early intervention services in speech language therapy Daiva Kairiene, Dr.paed, Siauliai University, Lithuania
14.40 – 15.00 The role of vocal hygiene and factors of physical and psychological environment in the voice rehabilitation Baiba Trinīte,, Liepaja University, Liepaja Regional Hospital, Head of Speechand Voice Research Laboratory
15.00 – 15.20 The role of speech therapists in the rehabilitation of oncological patients Dr. Māris Mežeckis, Liepaja Regional Hospital, Head of Radiotherapy Department
15.20 – 15.40 The Munich Functional Development Diagnostics in speech and language therapy Gundega Tomele, MSc, Liepaja University
Kafijas pauze
16.00 – 16.20 Quality of Life for Children With Cochlear Implants V. McDonela, Australia
16.20 – 16.40 Cervical Auscultation in Dysphagia Management I. Klatenberga, , Mg. sc. sal., Faculty of Rehabilitation of Riga Stradin’s University, I. Blumentale, Mg. sc. sal., Faculty of Rehabilitation of Riga Stradin’s University
16.40 – 17.00 Language its Neurophysiology and Disorders
17.00 – 17.20 Taping speech and language therapy N.Ergle, Jelg Mg. sc. sal., ava polyclinic
17.20 – 17.40 Use of DIBELS Next Latvian version in speech and language terapist practis to assess the early literaty scills A.Vabale, RS Mg. sc. sal., Faculty of Rehabilitation of Riga Stradin’s University, M.Orlovska, Mg Psych, University of Latvia
17.40 – 18.00 Pedagogycal medical investigation results analysis of 5 year old children with speech language disorders Dr .I. Lismane, RDIKD, izglītības atbalsta nodaļa, PMK, galvenā speciāliste, RD IKSD, PMC, Chief Specialist, I. I. Blumentale, Faculty of Rehabilitation of Riga Stradin’s University