4th Baltic & North Sea Conference on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Norises laiks: 2015. gada 16. - 18. septembris
Norises vieta: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, Dzirciema iela 16, Izstāžu centrs "Ķīpsala", Ķīpsalas iela 8
Oficiālā konferences valoda: Angļu valoda
Baltijas valstu un Krievijas kolēģiem Latvijas rehabilitācijas profesionālo organizāciju apvienība (LRPOA) kā konferences organizētāja turpina piedāvāt reģistrācijas maksu atlaides - diplomētiem speciālistiem atlaide šobrīd ir vairāk kā 3 reizes - 130,o EUR, bet medicīnas un rehabilitācijas jomas studējošajiem- 25,o EUR!
Lai pieteiktos konferencei ar atlaidēm, optimāla reģistrācijas kārtība šiem dalībniekiem ir sekojoša:
Nosūtīt mūsu kolēģei no Latviatour Mārai - mara.barbare@con-ex.com šādu informāciju par dalībniekiem:
dalībnieka kategorija (diplomēts speciālists/ studējošais);
kontakttālrunis un e-pasta adrese;
maksātāja rekvizīti, ja tā ir juridiska persona;
Ja no vienas iestādes vai organizācijas ir vairāki dalībnieki, šo informāciju droši var sūtīt apkopotu vienā Excel tabulā.
Saņemot šo informāciju LatviaTour sagatavos rēķinu (ar atlaidēm!) un nosūtīs uz norādīto e-pastu, bet neskaidrību gadījumā arī tieši sazināsies ar kolēģiem.
Kolēģe G.Bērziņa ir sagatavojusi arī jaunāko informācijas apkopojumu par mūsu starptautisko rehabilitācijas medicīnas konferenci:
Web site: http://www.bncprm2015.org/
Abstract submission: http://medicaljournals.se/
Contact email: berzina.guna@gmail.com
The role of the immune system in rehabilitation
Habilitation - transition from childhood to adulthood
Rehabilitation across borders (round table discussion)
Robotics and rehabilitation
Stroke rehabilitation (a Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine symposium)
Qualitative research in rehabilitation medicine
Special issue sessions
Communication and assistive devices
Dysphagia management
Communication in rehabilitation teams followed by integrative session on conclusions ACT, pain and lifestyle
Free papers and posters
Organized by Baltic and North Sea Forum on Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine (BNF-PRM) in cooperation with Riga Stradins University, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm and Latvian Rehabilitation Board
For Students and Teachers: Before the 4th BNC PRM, Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Rehabilitation organizes the Conference / Competition on Student/Teacher cooperation.
Lai veicinātu jauno kolēģu iesaisti zinātnē un viņu starptautisko pieredzi konferencēs RSU rehabilitācijas fakultāte aicina BNF PRM ietvaros dažādu augstskolu studentus piedalīties arī RSU Rudens Rehabilitācijas dienu pasākumā:
RSU Autumn Rehabilitation Days 2015- Conferencce/Competition on Student/Teacher cooperation
Good cooperation, in a broadest sense, is the foundation for successful rehabilitation. Therefore, as a part of the RSU Autumn Rehabilitation Day 2015 programme, we would like to announce the conference/competition with the aim to highlight good examples of cooperation between students and teachers as a key element of the study process.
We would like to welcome students and lecturers to share their experiences in the field of rehabilitation and submit their abstracts to present good examples of cooperation in three categories:
Clinical examples: introduction, aim, methods, results summary, conclusions, reflection on cooperation (both the student and the teacher). Specific clinical cases (or health promotion events) or clinical situations (problems) may be presented;
Research: introduction, aim, methods, results, conclusions, reflections on cooperation (both the student and the teacher). The submitted abstract may present studies in various stages of development (to clarify in the description);
Public Initiative: introduction, objective, description of activities, summary of results, conclusions, reflection on cooperation (both the student and the teacher). Abstracts may provide good examples of cooperation within different projects, social activities, campaigns and other initiatives.
Deadline for abstract submission: 14 June 2015.
The conference/competition will take place on 16 September 2015.
Type of presentations: poster presentation.
The authors of best presentations in each category will be rewarded!
RSU Autumn Rehabilitation Day 2015 is a pre-conference event for the 4th Baltic & North Sea Conference on PRM which will take place in Rīga, Latvia from 16 till 18 September 2015.
Website: http://www.bncprm2015.org/